A message from the President of the Geological Society of Africa

The Colloquium of African Geology (CAG) is a major biennial meeting organized under the auspices of the Geological Society of Africa (GSAf), where earth scientist globally have the opportunities to present their research results on topics related to Africa and surroundings areas on a continental and international scale . It also affords the incubation, generation and execution of initiatives that lead to interaction between the Academia, Industry and the Society.
The 28th Colloquium of African Geology (CAG28), hosted by Morocco, it was announced that the 29th Colloquium (CAG29) would be hosted by Namibia during the final week of September 2023. The theme of the event will be:
“The earth sciences and Africa’s development: current realities, future projections”
The event will be attended by senior and early-career earth scientists from government, associations, mineral exploration and mining companies and civil societies, as well as representatives from politics and the media are welcome. Career scientists from African countries and other developing areas are especially encouraged to regard this event as an opportunity to present their research to a wide audience, with participations from different sectors, countries, and continents. Namibia, the host country, boasts an interesting, heterogeneous geology covering some 2.6 billion years of earth history, with a wide variety of mineral deposits and mineralization styles, that have contributed - and still contribute-immensely to the country’s economy.
In addition, Namibia’s impressive geomorphic landscapes have great potential for geotourism, while the host city, Windhoek, is a culturally diverse centre of learning. Academically, the geoscientific sessions and excursions highlighted in this circular and following circulars promise to provide a deeper insight into the multi-faceted geological history of the African continent.
I therefore enjoin all geoscientists globally, to start making plans to attend what will be an interesting and geologically fulfilling event, which will be held in Namibia from September 26th to 29th 2023
Prof. Olugbenga Okunlola gbengaokunlola@yahoo.co.uk